When you donate appreciated stock to Godbey Creek Canine Rescue, you will not incur any capital gains taxes on the appreciated amount. This will save on taxes for you while providing a larger contribution to the Rescue. Below are the steps to follow if you are interested in using this avenue to donate to the Rescue.

Step 1:

Send a letter to your broker or financial consultant to authorize the transfer of stock as a contribution to Godbey Creek Canine Rescue. Please include the following details in your letter:

  • Name of the stock
  • Number of shares
  • Expected date of transfer
  • Your mailing address
  • Your work and home phone number


  • Broker: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
  • DTC # 0164, code 40
  • Account: Godbey Creek Canine Rescue
  • Account Number: 9570-4307

Step 2:

For acknowledgement and tax purposes, Godbey Creek Canine Rescue must receive a copy of your letter. Please e-mail a copy of your letter to [email protected]

Or, you can mail the copy to:
Godbey Creek Canine Rescue
1147 Godbey Road.
Mocksville, NC 27028