You won’t find another animal adoption center in the area that works like we do.
If you arrived on this page because you are interested in adopting a dog, you may be looking for something better than traditional options for animal adoption in the Mocksville, North Carolina area. The good news is you have found it! Here at Godbey Creek Canine Rescue, our small dog adoption process is designed to put the right pet with the right owner in the right environment. You can have peace of mind knowing that the pet you take home is the perfect match for you and your family.
Since 2013, we have placed more than 600 dogs. A testament to our process is that we have only experienced a 2% return rate, even though we always ask that our pets be returned if at any point the adoption does not fit a family’s needs. If you are looking for a small dog adoption program that offers pets that are crate, leash, and housetrained, and behaviorally evaluated and socialized, you have come to the right place.
Our team spends an average of six months with our rescued pets. They also spend time in a home environment with 1:1 attention so that we can properly assess each pet before matching them with the right owner. They enjoy eight or more hours outdoors each day when weather and temperatures allow, rather than being isolated in a cage or kennel. We love watching the transformation a rescue animal undergoes that leads to them being a welcome addition to a family.
You can rest assured knowing that the pet you adopt is perfect for you and your family because we offer a foster-to-adopt option. This allows you to spend time together in your home before making a final decision regarding small dog adoption. We offer a unique experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Stop by and see us today to see for yourself the spacious accommodations and environment we provide for our rescues.
At Godbey Creek Canine Rescue, we offer small dog adoption opportunities for residents of Mocksville, Advance, Clemmons, Mooresville, Statesville, and Winston-Salem, North Carolina.